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December 14th, 2011:

Quality of Living Rankings

Personal safety and quality of living criteria can vary from person to person as much as place to place.

Research consulting firm Mercer has released its 2011 Quality of Living Report, which includes ranking of the cities according to the level of personal safety.

Mercer Quality of Living Survey – Worldwide Rankings, 2011: (more…)

Best and Worst Prepared Cities

Some U.S. cities are more equipped and prepared than others to survive disasters. Disasters come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and severity.

The list of natural disasters is long: earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, snow and hail storms, fires, floods, solar flares, and volcanic eruptions are only a few of the most common that first come to mind.

The list of non-natural disasters is probably longer: gas leaks, oil spills, power outages, riots, nuclear meltdowns, terrorist attacks, economic collapse, and pandemic diseases are a but a few of the more recent human-caused disasters.

No matter how extensive, all disasters are experienced and responded to locally. The key to survive and and thrive and possibly even prosper with little or no panic or paralysis regardless of potential problems playing out is to: (more…)

5 Happiest and Saddest Countries

Countries are often ranked according to their GDP (Gross Domestic Production). Usually not considered, or even having any consistent criteria, is some kind of GHQ (Gross Happiness Quotient). (more…)